Some winners have likewise been gracious: Xiao Shenyang, a well-known comedian who won the title of worst actor in 2013, subsequently posted on his Weibo account that his own acting was indeed really bad. 也有一些同样表现出雅量大度的获奖者,例如,著名喜剧演员小沈阳曾在2013年获得最差男演员奖,他随后用自己的微博账号发布消息,称自己的演技确实非常糟糕。
Everyone has an impressive-sounding job title(" Account Executive "can mean anything from entry level telemarketer to an executive in charge of a major business account). 每个人都有一个响亮的头衔(“业务代表”小到可以表示一个电话销售员,大到可以代表一个大公司的经理)。
In feature selection process the sub-theme, title, concern, sharing the characteristics of the number and the number of reviews, fans, reviews, sentence length, position, labels, etc. had been taken into account to carry the weight calculation. 特征选择过程主要考虑到子主题、标题、关注、分享数与评论数,粉丝,评论句长,位置,标签等特征,来进行权重计算。